Experience, Vision, Motivation, Passion
Professional Management Team
The only way to achieve great things is to love what you do.
Our dream did not become reality through magic; it took sweat, determination, and hard work.

Aaron Willits
Original Founder 2004
Chief Executive Officer

Andreas Waldispühl
Chief Financial Officer
Since 2010

Brian Dempsey
Business Development Manager
Since 2016
Passion Food employs over 40 chefs, service, and kitchen staff.
Good teams incorporate teamwork into their culture, creating the building blocks for success

Working together with our valued Stakeholders – Win Win Win

We take every step necessary to not just focus on our goal and targets, but also those of our main stakeholders. In doing this we believe our company vision can be realised and customers retained for long term partnership.
One Team, One Goal, One Mind-set …
Shortly after moving to Switzerland, our two founding members took over the responsibility of catering for students and teachers at the “ISZL – International School of Zug and Lucerne” at the previous location in Oberwil on the beautiful Lake of Zug. In 2004, Passion Food GmbH was born.
Returning to the foundations of cooking they customized a food program to the needs of ISZL. In doing so, with their flexible nature, they created a streamlined canteen with high-quality offerings.
The fragrances of our lunch program soon reached other schools and within a few years, Passion Food grew from two employees to over 20 as a valued partner in the International School Community.
Today, Passion Food provides lunch programs from six kitchens at eight different locations. Every day, thousands of students, staff, and guests are enjoying our services. We have become the front-runner in supplying the array of needs for international schools in Switzerland. Just looking at our increase in business is proof enough of the quality we offer, our daily sales in each operation have steadily increased beyond the school’s growth itself.
In addition to our daily business, we feed our passion for food by catering every year a few dozen events for individuals, institutions, and companies, where our creativity has no limits!
Whether for large-scale catering operation or event catering, Passion Food’s ingredients are sourced primarily from the region whenever they meet our high standards of quality.
Using mostly local producers and suppliers, we select only the best products for our customers. The produce is always fresh and in season, and cooked with a gentle hand to preserve nutrients and flavour.
Factory Produced, pre-cooked or frozen products have no place in our kitchens, with few exceptions.
Local suppliers
We have purchased our high quality produce and meat with the following dedicated suppliers for many years: